Creating the YaST journalctl module
A tutorial about the basis of YaST modules development
A tutorial about the basis of YaST modules development
Now we are ready for the last two steps in our development process: turn our mockup into a real YaST module capable of displaying system information and package the resulting module in order to install it and distribute it.
As usual, let's start fetching the proposed solution by running the following command in our local copy.
git checkout fully_working
Play a little bit with the result (both as a regular user and as root) before diving into the code.
YaST does not enforce any particular software pattern to structure the code of complex modules. Moreover, the example journalctl module is intentionally simple, so we can focus on the YaST characteristics and avoid complex architectural disquisitions. Even though, we don't want to have code in our dialogs that is not strictly related to drawing widgets and driving the interaction with the user and we obviously don't want to mess our Entry and Query models with presentation logic.
In order to keep things tidy, the example code you have just fetched uses presenters to intermediate between the domain models and the dialogs. Presenters are a very popular approach to implement the separated presentation pattern using delegators. Instead of accessing directly to the domain classes, the dialogs rely on the corresponding presenters for those classes.
Same as other classes in this tutorial, the included unit tests for EntryPresenter and QueryPresenter are not as exhaustive as they should be and are offered only as a starting point for writing a more comprehensive suite.
Although the usage of presenters is quite common in other development environments like the Ruby on Rails community, it's not the standard way of organizing the code in the existing YaST modules. In fact, there is currently nothing like a "standard way or organizing the code" in YaST. Thus, if the usage of presenters does not fit your problem or your personal preferences, feel free to use any other approach.
In the original mockup there was no binding between the widgets and any real information coming from the system or the user. Now the EntriesDialog object keeps three instance variables to store that information.
In addition, another subtle but meaningful change has been done by renaming the client from mockup.rb to journalctl.rb.
As opposed to the mockup, in which the only possible interaction was opening and closing the dialogs, our module can now react to many events, like shown in the new event loop.
def event_loop
loop do
case Yast::UI.UserInput
when :cancel
# Break the loop
when :filter
# The user clicked the filter button
if read_query
when :search
# The content of the search box changed
when :refresh
# The user clicked the refresh button
log.warn "Unexpected input #{input}"
The loop relies on three private methods to set the value of the instance variables (unsurprisingly called read_query, read_entries and read_search) and two methods (redraw_query and redraw_table) to update the user interface.
Let start with the latter. The method redraw_table is just a one-liner that uses the ChangeWidget function to alter the :Items property of the widget with the identifier :entries_table.
def redraw_table
Yast::UI.ChangeWidget(Id(:entries_table), :Items, table_items)
As you may have already guessed, the same function can be used not only to change the list of items in other type of widgets (like a combo box), but also to change other properties like the status of a widget (:Enabled), its label (:Label), its content (:Value), the selected item (:CurrentItem) and many more.
But sometimes altering an already existing widget is not enough and is better to fully replace it with something else. That's exactly what redraw_query does with one of the labels at the top of the dialog.
def redraw_query
Yast::UI.ReplaceWidget(Id(:query), query_description)
But replacing widgets needs some preparation. ReplaceWidget will only work on a special type of widget called ReplacePoint which has no visual effect and whose only purpose is to act as a marker for ReplaceWidget within the widgets tree, as you can see in the following excerpt from EntriesDialog.
def create_dialog
Opt(:decorated, :defaultsize),
# Header
# Filters
Left(ReplacePoint(Id(:query), query_description)),
# Log entries
# Footer buttons
def query_description
But besides changing the interface to reflect the changes, we also need to read the content of the widgets. The simplest example is the read_search method used to set the value of @search reading it from the corresponding input field.
def read_search
@search = Yast::UI.QueryWidget(Id(:search), :Value) "Search string set to '#{@search}'"
The QueryWidget function can be used to check the value of many different properties. The following method uses it for reading the value of all the relevant widgets in QueryDialog.
def query_from_widgets
boot = Yast::UI.QueryWidget(Id(:boot), :CurrentButton)
filters = { boot: boot }
QueryPresenter.additional_filters.each do |filter|
name = filter[:name]
# If the checkbox is checked
if Yast::UI.QueryWidget(Id(name), :Value)
# Read the widget...
value = Yast::UI.QueryWidget(Id(:"#{name}_value"), :Value)
# ...discarding empty values
filters[name] = value unless value.empty?
When the user pushes the "change filter" button, a new QueryDialog is opened. When the user pushes the "ok" button, the dialog uses the function above to construct a new QueryPresenter object that is then returned and stored in the @query instance variable of the caller.
The rest of the code in the proposed solution does not rely in any specific YaST feature and, thus, it should be pretty straightforward to read and understand.
We finally have a fully working YaST module. It's time to install it in our system and to release it for others to enjoy and test. Even whether you feel that your module is not yet ready for production usage, you must never forget the "release early, release often" principle. The last step of the tutorial will teach you everything you need to know in order to ship your YaST modules.